Dino War
During a game night at Lucas' place Matt asks me to draw 'a dinosaur ripping the head off another dinosaur'. I thought it'd be a fun project to take on, after all I've been drawing dinosaurs since I was a little kid. I scribbled a rough pen concept on the back of my Loaded Questions answer sheet. Matt loved the idea so here's what I came up with.

Painting Process
Some quick sketches helped me develop the poses for the dinosaurs. I had to experiment with how to pose the long dinosaur tails. I also wanted the T-Rex to look bulky but agile.
I started by painting in some value. I figured the large plumes of smoke from the volcanoes would give this piece an epic, pre-historic feel, as well as darken the atmosphere a bit. I decided that the scene takes place around dusk and is going to be back lit by the horizon and the volcanoes. I applied an orange fill to the entire canvas ( blendmode Color ). I then painted in some exaggerated lighting and got rid of most of the sketch lines.
After slowly refining the lighting and adding fine details, I painted in the blood splatter on separate layers.